JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named the inactive Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari and her husband, Hasan Aminuddin, as suspects for receiving gratuities and money laundering crimes (TPPU). This determination was made after investigators developed a case of buying and selling positions that ensnared the two.

"After finding sufficient preliminary evidence, the investigative team will develop a special case for PTS suspects and HA suspects by re-naming the two suspects on suspicion of corruption and money laundering," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Tuesday, October 12.

To investigate the two corruption allegations, investigators are now continuing to collect evidence by summoning a number of witnesses who are suspected of knowing Puput and Hasan's actions. Ali said that witness summons had even been carried out from Saturday, October 9 to Monday, October 11.

The witnesses summoned were the Regional Secretary of the Probolinggo Regency Government, Soeparwiyono; Head of the Probolinggo Regency Personnel Agency, Hudan Syarifuddin; Head of the Probolinggo Youth, Sports, Tourism and Culture Office, Sugeng Wiyanto; and the Head of the Probolinggo Manpower Office, Doddy Nur Baskoro.

Then the Head of the Fisheries Service of the Probolinggo Regional Government, Dedy Isfandi; Secretary of the Probolinggo Library Service Mariono; honorary at the Minister For Public Works and Human Settlements (PUPR) Office in Probolinggo, Winata Leo Chandra; village official, Hendro Purnomo; retired Probolinggo Regional Representative Council (DPRD) NasDem Party Faction H Sugito; notary, Hapsoro Widyonondo; and a private company named Pudjo Witjaksono.

In addition, the KPK also summoned five civil servants, namely Miske, Meliana Dita, El Shinta N, Winda Permata, Tatug Edi U, and an entrepreneur named Nunik.

"All witnesses were present and confirmed, among others, related to the alleged receipt of a sum of money and ownership of assets from the suspect PTS and suspect HA," he said.

In the bribery case of buying and selling positions, the KPK has named 22 people as suspects. They consist of 4 bribe recipients and 18 bribe givers.

The bribes given by State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the Probolinggo Regency Government are carried out so that they can serve as village head officials. Each person is required to pay IDR 20 million and the village land tribute of IDR 5 million per hectare.

The four recipients were Probolinggo Regent Puput Tantriana Sari, House of Representatives (DPR) member Hasan Aminuddin, Krejengan sub-district head Doddy Kurniawan, and Paiton sub-district head Muhamad Ridwan.

While the 18 donors namely Sumanto, Ali Wafa, Mawardi, Mashudi, Maliha, Mohammad Bambang, Masruhen, Abdul Wafi, Kho'im, Akhmad Saifullah, Jaelani, Uhar, Nurul Hadi, Nuruh Huda, Hasan, Sahir, Sugito, and Syamsuddin as suspects giver.

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