JAKARTA - The process of proposing the DKI Regional House of Representatives' interpellation rights regarding Formula E is currently in progress. Where the submission of the right of interpellation is postponed until the rescheduling of the plenary meeting agenda through the Jakarta Regional House of Representatives of Deliberative Body (Bamus).

However, the chairman of the DKI Jakarta PSI Regional Leadership Council, Michael Victor Sianipar, said that his party would not withdraw from the proposed interpellation with the PDIP faction.

"It would be wrong to say that we have canceled or withdrawn. The application has been officially submitted and cannot be withdrawn. I instruct the Faction to continue to fight for the right of interpellation until it is successful," he said to reporters, Monday, October 11.

While waiting for the rescheduling of the plenary meeting to determine the interpellation, Michael said PSI continued to monitor the plan to organize Formula E in the budget discussion meeting.

Considering that some time ago, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, through the release of the Communications Service, had revised and admitted that Formula E would not use the Regional Budget.

"This is what we will prove and oversee in the budget discussion, it does not mean that the interpellation has failed," said Michael.

Michael said PSI would reject the Formula E budget proposal at the 2022 Regional Budget discussion meeting and hoped that other factions would also reject the Formula E budget.

"We will continue to pursue the clarity of Formula E and will not allow Jakartans' money to be wasted on racing," he said.

It is known that the chairman of the DKI Regional House of Representatives, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, from the PDIP faction, held a plenary meeting for the Interpellation of Formula E. Unfortunately, the plenary had to be postponed. for not meeting the quorum.

The meeting only presented 32 members of the DKI Regional House of Representatives, consisting of 25 members of the PDIP faction and 7 members of the PSI faction. Thus, this meeting did not meet the 50 percent attendance quorum + 1 Regional House of Representatives member or as many as 54 council members.

This is because the other seven factions have firmly stated that they will not participate in the interpellation plenary meeting. In fact, they reported Prasetyo to the Honorary Board of the DKI Regional House of Representatives for holding a plenary meeting.

Thus, to be able to hold a plenary meeting again, the Jakarta Regional House of Representatives of Deliberative Body (Bamus) must re-schedule the interpellation plenary meeting with the same agenda, namely the explanation of the interpellation proposer. However, rescheduling in the Bamus meeting has not been determined.

After the agenda of explaining the interpellation proposers, the plenary agenda was continued with the agenda of the general views of the DKI Regional House of Representative's factions regarding the interpellation proposal. Then, the third agenda is to decide whether the interpellation will be carried out or not.

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