JAKARTA - The name of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno is said to have the opportunity to advance in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). In a number of surveys related to presidential candidates, the name of the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta is considered to have electability that can compete with other figures.

So how much wealth does Sandiaga have?

Based on the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) which he reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on February 9, he was recorded to have assets of Rp3,996,825,925,104. However, Sandi also has a debt of Rp181,058,538,914 so that his assets become Rp3,815,767,386,190.

In his LHKPN, Sandiaga reported his assets in the form of land and buildings worth Rp208,944,126,444 spread over a number of areas in South Jakarta. In addition, he also owns buildings in the United States.

In addition to land and buildings, Sandiaga, who previously ran in the 2019 presidential election with Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto, also registered ownership of assets in the form of vehicles. He is noted to own two 2013 Nissan Grand Livina minibuses with a value of Rp95 million and a Nissan X-Trail worth Rp200 million.

Next, Sandi also recorded a wealth of Rp3.2 billion from other movable assets; securities with a value of Rp3,111,823,057,480; cash and cash equivalents valued at Rp43,346,597,159.

Although Sandiaga's name is predicted to shine in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, the door to moving forward from the Gerindra Party is increasingly difficult. The reason is that the party bearing the garuda symbol has confirmed that their general chairman, who currently serves as Minister of Defense in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet, will contest again in the upcoming presidential election.

Secretary-General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani said that Prabowo's return to the 2024 presidential election was based on massive requests from the public.

"I say, in 2024, Mr. Prabowo, God willing, will advance in the presidential election. His progress is because of the massive demand from all of us, the people's expectations are high, development must continue, our ideals as a party have not been realized," said Muzani in a statement in Jakarta, Sunday, 10 October.

This was said by Muzani while attending the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda) of the South Sulawesi Gerindra DPD on Saturday, October 9. In this activity, the DPD Gerindra Sulsel asked for the willingness of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party to run in the 2024 presidential election.

Muzani said that in the 2019 presidential election, Prabowo as a presidential candidate managed to win in South Sulawesi with a percentage of 57 percent. So, he asked all the administrators of the DPD, DPC, PAC to branches in South Sulawesi to close ranks so that the target of winning in the presidential election with a vote target of 65 percent could be achieved.

"Our determination to win Mr. Prabowo in 2024 must be greater, I respectfully request that no members of the South Sulawesi DPRD cause us to lose," he said.

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