MEDAN - Medan City Government (Pemko) has started implementing Face-to-face Learning (PTM) for junior high school students. To ensure that the implementation goes well and according to regulations, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution immediately conducts a review.

The school that was reviewed on the first day of the PTM was SMP Negeri 3, Jalan Pelajar Timur, Medan Kota District. Accompanied by the Acting Head of Educational Head of Topan OP Ginting, the Mayor paid close attention to the implementation of health protocols and technical instructions set out in the PTM.

Starting from hand washing facilities, measuring body temperature, to the number of students in each study group.

Bobby Nasution explained, starting today all junior high schools are allowed to apply PTM, but using a hybrid scheme. Students who do not come to school continue to take lessons online (online) together with students who take PTM in class.

"In this PTM, there are only 10 children in one class and all of them have been vaccinated. The children who have not been vaccinated are under 12 years old, for junior high schools the average is class VII who has not been vaccinated. because they are 12 years old and over," explained Bobby Nasution, quoted from the Medan Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Service, Monday, October 11.

Bobby Nasution said there is no rule that prohibits students who have not been vaccinated from attending PTM. However, he continued, in the first days, Pemko Medan tried, recommended, and optimized so that all students who took part in the PTM had been vaccinated.

At school, continued Bobby Nasution, there is also a COVID-19 Task Force that must continue to coordinate with the local sub-district COVID-19 Task Force. If there are students who experience symptoms of illness, the school must immediately call the nearest Public Health Center (Puskesmas).

Bobby Nasution said that every student who took part in this PTM brought a letter of permission from his parents.

"If parents don't want their children to take part in PTM, please let their children follow it online at the same time as their friends who study face-to-face," said Bobby Nasution.

During the review, Bobby Nasution entered the classroom and had a dialogue with the students and teachers who took part in the PTM that day. He reminded students and teachers to remain enthusiastic in the teaching-learning process and to be disciplined in implementing strict health protocols.

During the review, Bobby Nasution also handed over aid for student learning equipment. This assistance from Chicken Holic was symbolically handed over to 6 students.

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