KARAWANG - The Social Service of Karawang Regency, West Java admitted that they did not know in detail the indicators of extreme poverty as stated by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

"We do not clearly know the term extreme poverty," said Acting Secretary of the Karawang Social Service, Dani Laga, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 6.

Previously, the Vice President mentioned that Karawang was included in the top five regions with extreme poverty, while chairing a working meeting to resolve extreme poverty at the West Java Governor's Office.

According to Dani, data from BPS and the Ministry of Social Affairs does not contain the term extreme poverty. So the details of extreme poverty indicators are not clearly known.

However, he suspects that the term extreme poverty was taken from the central government through the Regional Poverty Reduction Coordination Team.

According to him, the Karawang Social Service is also part of the Regional Poverty Reduction Coordination Team which also supplies data to the team.

"The information is that among the indicators of extreme poverty is income which only reaches 30 thousand rupiah per day / family," he said.

For this, his party will make further efforts to deal with the status of extreme poverty.

Based on the information gathered, extreme poverty in Karawang occurs in 25 villages in rural areas spread over five sub-districts.

The 25 villages are five villages in Cibuaya District (Cemarajaya Village, Gebangjaya, Kedungjaya, Kedungjeruk and Kertarahayu Village). Then five villages in Batujaya District (Karyamulya Village, Kutaampel, Segaran, Segarjaya and Telukbango Village).

Furthermore, in the District of Cilamaya Kulon five villages (Desa Kiara, Pasirjaya, Sukajaya, Sumurgede and Village Tegalurung). Five other villages are in Kutaluya District (Kutagandok Village, Kutakarya, Kutamukti, Sampalan and Sindangsari Village).

In addition, there are also five villages in the Pedes sub-district (Jatimulya, Karangjaya, Kertaraharja, Payungsari and Randumulya villages).

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