JAKARTA - Director of Narcotics Crime at the National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Krisno H Siregar confirmed that his party will immediately follow up on the findings of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) related to jumbo accounts belonging to drug syndicates amounting to Rp120 trillion.

"Yes, we will actively follow the orders of Mr. Kabareskrim who asked us to actively request this information from the PPATK," Krisno said at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit, quoted by Antara, Monday, October 4.

According to Krisno, his party has not received information about the jumbo accounts of the drug syndicate from PPATK.

Because according to him, PPTAK can forward information on the findings of the jumbo account suspected of being a drug dealer.

"We have handled several ML cases, both at Headquarters and in the regions. But so far, we have not received any information from PPATK friends," said Krisno.

Based on existing experience, Krisno continued, in handling cases related to money laundering (TPPU) originating from PPATK, his party needs to ask for this information.

Except, if the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has suspect account numbers, the PPATK will carry out an analysis and the results will be sent to the Police.

"If it comes from PPATK without us asking, I have been here for almost four years (Ditpid Narkoba-ed), we have never received any information, unless we have suspicious numbers, they (PPAT-ed) analyze and then send them," he said.

Krino added that his party continues to coordinate with PPATK, especially in the disclosure of money laundering offenses, because the agency is the cornerstone of disclosing cases related to financial intelligence information.

"Oh, we continue to coordinate, right, they (PPATK-ed) are cornered. They are also expert witnesses," said Krino.

One of the money laundering offenses cases that is currently being investigated by the National Police's Director of Drugs and Crime, is the disclosure of the raid on an illegal hard drug factory in Yogyakarta.

"We can confirm that we are heading towards TPPU. I have formed a team, the initial criminal team and the TPPU are working to resolve it," said Krino.

PPATK in a hearing meeting with Commission III of the DPR, last Wednesday, September 29, revealed that it had observed and supervised the existence of financial transactions against the sale and purchase of drugs.

Some of the findings presented by the Head of PPATK Dian Ediana Rae mentioned some of these financial transactions, namely Rp1.7 trillion, some of which were Rp3.6 trillion, Rp6.7 trillion, and Rp12 trillion. So the total is Rp120 trillion.

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