JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo hopes that Sorong Regency, West Papua, can become a major producer of agricultural commodities in Eastern Indonesia. Jokowi sees the enormous potential of this region in Eastern Indonesia.

"West Papua Province has great potential to be developed as a major producer of agricultural commodities in Eastern Indonesia. Here there are 11.000 hectares of corn plants throughout the province and 7.000.000 hectares of food crops and horticulture," said President Jokowi during a working visit in Sorong, West Papua, Monday, October 4, quoted from Antara.

President Jokowi came to plant corn in the Klamesen Village, Sorong Regency, West Papua. Also attending the working visit were the Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, and the Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, as well as other relevant officials.

"This is a very large area, but only 33 percent can be utilized at the maximum," said the President.

President Jokowi also asked the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo and the Governor of West Papua Dominggus Mandacan to increase agricultural productivity in Sorong and all districts in West Papua.

"In order to increase production capacity, change the cropping system from once a year to 2 or 3 times a year so that the food needs in Papua can be prepared by Papua Island itself," said the President.

The President also wants to invite millennial farmers to become the driving force in the agricultural sector.

"The Minister of Agriculture has trained 800 farmers. However, we are targeting approximately 2.000 to be completed," said the President.

President Jokowi believes that if millennial farmers are trusted, they will be able to create food security, especially in West Papua Province and throughout the country.

"I also saw the use of agricultural technology, then access to business capital will also be given, the Ministry of Agriculture will also improve irrigation and pieces of training related to agricultural technology," said the President.

With these various efforts, the President hopes to increase the productivity of agricultural commodities.

"Especially what is planted today is all corn because our corn needs for food and fodder still need additional," said the President.

After planting corn, President Jokowi is scheduled to go to the Special Raider Battalion 762/VYS Multipurpose Building, East Sorong District, Sorong City to review the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination for students, the general public, and the elderly.

The President is also scheduled to give directions to the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) throughout the Province of West Papua which will be held at the Sorong Mayor's Office.

In the afternoon, the President and a limited entourage will head to Domine Eduard Osok International Airport, Sorong City, then take off for Jakarta.

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