JAKARTA – Regarding the alleged fraud case by Nia Daniaty's child, Olivia Nathania, the victims went to the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters. On that occasion, the victim told more in depth how she was tempted and how she was able to earn so much money to become a civil servant.

Sugiyono, one of the parents of the alleged fraudulent civil servant candidate (CPNS), admitted that he sold his rice fields and cows so that his son could become a civil servant in Jakarta.

Sugiyono said that he had only just learned about the recruitment of civil servants from a colleague named Karnu. At that time Karnu told that his son would become a civil servant through a celebrity child. Tempted by the story, Sugiyono joined in registering his child.

Sugiyono also had a chance to meet directly with Olivia. When meeting with him, Sugiyono was asked for funds worth Rp. 30 million. In fact, he was only given three to four days to hand over the funds.

"I sell rice fields, sell cows, the names are local people. Moreover, the time is rushed, at most two to three days. We have ups and downs selling what we have," said Sugiono to reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Friday, October 1.

In fact, because he was tempted by the recruitment of civil servants through Olivia, the man who works as a private employee brought his three other nephews. At that time, Oli offered PNS vacancies in the DKI Jakarta, Bekasi, and various other regions.

As a result of this action, Sugiyono's family suffered losses of up to Rp. 300 million. Some of the funds were directly given to Olivia Nathania and some were transferred to Nia Daniaty's child.

Sugiyono also ensured that Oli never promised tutoring for the CPNS test. Olivia, still said Sugiono, only promised a replacement path or achievement path without passing a test.

"The CPNS is offered directly, not tutoring, because if it's tutoring it's impossible to get a certificate out," he said.

Meanwhile, Olivia straightens out the news that calls herself a fraud. According to Oli, he only opens tutoring for those who want to become Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS).

Olivia explained, to take CPNS lessons that she made, participants had to pay RP25 million. The money is used to pay employees and operations during lessons.

"The discussion about what will come out later, where did I get it, for example, if you want to ask? Yes, we discussed the issue in previous years," Olivia said, quoting KH Infotainment, today, October 1.

Furthermore, Olivia Nathania admitted that she had never done any persuasion or lure the participants to become civil servants the easy way.

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