BEKASI – A man dressed in a safari suit with a cowboy hat went on a rampage at the Office of Water Resources, Bina Marga and Construction Development, on Jalan Sukamahi, Central Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency. The man's action went viral on social media.

In the video post, the caption reads:

A foreman went on a rampage and damaged government assets at the Office of Water Resources, Bina Marga and Construction Development #Bekasi Regency on Jalan Sukamahi, #Central Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency.

Based on information, the man is suspected to be a foreman who often works on projects for the procurement of goods and services from the Bekasi Regency Government.

He came #raging on Monday, September 27, 2021, because it was suspected that the #project allocation he was working on was decreasing after being given to other parties. While looking for someone named Ambar, the man wearing all black, slammed and overturned tables and chairs in the office. “Si Ambar is really Si Ambar. Now they say they have all the councils," said the foreman.

Regarding the damage carried out by project partners in Bekasi Regency, PLT Regent of Kab. Bekasi, Dani Ramdan said that the case had been reported to the police and the person concerned had received a summons.

"A violation of the law, therefore a police report has been submitted regarding the destruction of government property and there has been a summons," said Dani through a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, September 29.

Dhani also said that the perpetrators carried out the damage because they allegedly wanted to ask for work or projects from the government, namely the Water Resources Office of Highways and Construction.

“So basically I want to ask for a job. It has been given by the Kadis (Head of Service) but asked for more, and also for his friend, the former who entered the vandalism case," he said.

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