JAKARTA - The initial idea involved Aishameglio Duta Chiara as a collaborator for Sheila on 7 (So7) in the single 'Good Memory' not coming from his father, Duta (vocals), but Eross (guitar) who wrote the initial composition of the song.
As is well known, the girl who is familiarly called Aisha appeared as a background singer on most of the So7 stage since the beginning of this year.
Aisha's involvement in making the lyrics of the song written during the Covid-19 pandemic changed the theme, telling stories about the relationship between parents and their children.
"If Aisha doesn't join the Sheila on 7, maybe this song won't come out. So yes, because Aisha is coming," said Eross during a press conference in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Monday, November 25.
Involving your own child in the new So7 music project is not without long consideration. The Ambassador said there was a burden in itself that he had to bear.
"If I'm actually a burden as his parents, not as a vocalist for Sheila on 7," said the Ambassador.
"I know the condition. I know he can, it's just that I can't be a musician, I also have to think about me as his father," he continued.
Aisha's status, who is currently studying at Gadjah Mada University, is one of the considerations. The 44-year-old vocalist did not want So7's activities for a new single to have to sacrifice too much during college.
"It's adjusting his college schedule, yes, even though the schedule doesn't always follow. automatically someone will miss it too. But if you skip it, it's already started to cause him to not be able to take exams or all kinds of things, surely that option will not be chosen. The priority is to go to college, after that, it's up to him," he said.
In addition, the Ambassador is well aware that Aisha's involvement in the latest single will present her own burden for her child.
"But thank God, the concept is featuring, not a duet. If the duet seems to object, yes, if the duet seems to be a heavier moral burden," said the Ambassador.
"So this feature is really to find his experience. I finally decided to accept it," he concluded.
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