MATARAM - Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, revealed the autopsy results of the body of a rice trader with the initials FI, a murder victim at a crime scene in Gubug Mamben.

"So from the autopsy results it was stated that the victim died from bleeding from the stab wounds she suffered. From the autopsy results, it was revealed that there were 23 stab wounds", said Mataram Police Chief Kombes Heri Wahyudi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 29.

The stab wounds, he explained, were mostly around the victim's stomach, chest, arms, and thighs.

"The wound on the hand is thought to have been caused by the victim's resistance", he said.

The victim is the sister-in-law of the perpetrator with the initials HU (45). The victim and the perpetrator are known to still live in the same yard.

The persecution took place in the early hours of Tuesday, September 21. At that time, the victim was fast asleep. The motive was because the perpetrator was hurt by the victim who often insulted her with swear words.

"The climax is when the victim reprimands the perpetrator who throws garbage in the gutter in front of the house", he said.

In HU's brutal action, it was also revealed that the victim's husband, who was none other than his sister, also suffered a stab wound in the back.

"So when he heard the commotion between the victim and the perpetrator, the victim's husband woke up from sleep and fought back. As a result, the victim's husband also suffered a stab wound in the back. There were two stab wounds", he said.

Meanwhile, the psychological condition of the perpetrator is included in a series of case investigations. However, the results are still waiting from the Mataram University Hospital.

"We are still waiting for the results of the psychological test of this perpetrator. It may take two or three days for the results to come out, whether he has a mental disorder or not", said the Police Chief.

HU has now been named a suspect and is behind bars at the Mataram Police Headquarters.

Because of his actions, HU is suspected of Article 340 of the Criminal Code concerning Premeditated Murder and or Article 338 concerning Murder with the threat of life imprisonment.

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