Efforts To Seek Support, MS KPI Employees Will Visit Komnas Perempuan
Komnas Perempuan/ Photo: doc org.id

JAKARTA - MS, a victim of sexual harassment and bullying at the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) office is scheduled to visit National Commission for Women (Komnas Perempuan) to ask for institutional support for MS's case.

According to Muhammad Mualimin as MS's legal team, his party together with MS victims will visit the National Commission for Women office on Thursday, September 30, tomorrow.

"Tomorrow we will go to National Commission for Women to ask for support for what happened to MS", he told VOI, Wednesday, September 29.

This step was taken by the legal team as an effort to strengthen support for survivors.

"Because National Commission for Women also handles many cases of sexual harassment. The field of concentration is relevant. The tragedy experienced by MS victims has the same relevance as the duties and functions of National Commission for Women", he said.

On the agenda of Thursday, September 30, tomorrow, MS victims will be accompanied by a team of lawyers and escorted by the Community Concerned for Victims of Sexual Violence in State Institutions.

"Tomorrow Thursday, the MS victim will go to National Commission for Women at around 10.30 WIB. The MS victim feels mentally more stable and stronger when he can tell his story to many people. MS feels not alone if someone else wants to hear his confession directly", said Mualimin.

On tomorrow's agenda, Mualimin stated that his party would bring evidence and others if requested by National Commission for Women.

"We will bring (evidence) when requested by National Commission for Women. We are ready to share it", he said.

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