JAMBI - Bohir (owner of capital) illegal oil mining located in Bungku Village, Batanghari Regency, Jambi was finally arrested by the Jambi Police. The arrest of the perpetrator named Kujang alias Ujang (51) after investigators obtained information from other suspects, including Aipda DR.

The Director of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Regional Police, Commissioner Sigit Dany Setiyono, said that Kujang was arrested in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency (Tanjabtim).

Illegal oil mining (illegal drilling) which exploded some time ago is still burning at the bottom of the well. Meanwhile, Aipda DR, one of the perpetrators involved in this case, is serving at the Batanghari Police.

Kujang, continued Sigit, acts as a financier as well as the brains of illegal drilling activities. The oil refinery fire scorched two hectares of land and forest around the site.

From the results of the examination, it was known that the suspect Kujang alias Ujang was in contact with DR, an individual member of the Batanghari Police.

Suspect Kujang, together with DR, were involved in planning, financing, and technical drilling. However, the Kujang actors do not have adequate technical capabilities to carry out oil mining activities.

"There are two points that have been excavated but have not succeeded in extracting crude oil and during excavations in the third well oil came out but there was an explosion and burned the surrounding forest land," said Sigit.

Furthermore, Sigit said that his party has also asked for information from HS, the victim of burns when the well exploded, who is currently still undergoing treatment at the hospital, but his condition has improved.

HS saw firsthand when an explosion occurred in the illegal mining well and at that time the victim was collecting remaining oil around the location.

"The Jambi Police will continue to develop the case to find out other illegal drilling networks," said Sigit Dany.

Meanwhile, until today, it has been more than ten days since the fire at the scene had not been extinguished. Even the fire has spread to a number of small rivers flowing with oil.

Sigit said, together with a number of related parties, his party has made efforts to minimize the flames so that the fire does not spread further, one of which is by making a perimeter.

"Together with our colleagues from Pertamina, we are still making efforts to extinguish the fire and so far the 'head' of the fire has decreased to the level it was at the time of the incident," said Sigit.

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