JAKARTA - The Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman appreciates the steps taken by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who is ready to recruit Novel Baswedan et al after being dismissed on September 30.

According to him, this action is a form of respect for dozens of employees who were kicked out due to failing in the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK).

"This is a form of respect for the 56 for their service at the KPK and eradicating corruption so far," said Boyamin in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, September 29.

He assessed that the recruitment of Novel and other employees indicated that the TWK which was the basis for their dismissal had no value and had a legal basis. Moreover, so far, dozens of employees have been declared red from the results of their assessment and cannot be trained anymore.

"If the National Police Chief then wants to recruit them, it means that yesterday's TWK carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was meaningless, had no value," said Boyamin.

"If they are deemed not to have passed, why did the National Police Chief recruit? It means that the National Police Chief sees that the TWK carried out is of no value and does not have any legal force because they were actually recruited," he added.

Boyamin also considered that the National Police Chief had given a different assessment from the KPK, which actually kicked them out. According to him, Listyo is the same as assessing Novel Baswedan et al as great in national insight because all this time they have served to eradicate corruption.

"So in my opinion, if you ask whether this is an insult to what the KPK has done, it's not that far. But if you consider this a form of correction to the KPK, I will confirm it.

A total of 57 KPK employees were dismissed because they did not qualify as civil servants (ASN) according to the mandate of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. These employees included senior KPK investigators Novel Baswedan and Ambarita Damanik, Chairman of the KPK Employee Forum Yudi Purnomo, KPK investigator Harun Al-Rasyid, and dozens of other names.

The anti-corruption commission argued that their inability to become ASN was not due to laws and regulations such as Perkom KPK Number 1 of 2021 but because of the results of their TWK assessment.

Related to this, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo admitted that he wanted to recruit 56 KPK employees who did not pass the TWK to become Polri ASN. This wish was conveyed in a letter to President Jokowi last week and was approved.

Sigit reasoned that tens of these employees will be recruited because the Police need human resources to strengthen the line of prosecution of corruption cases. Moreover, the Police are currently also focusing on handling the recovery of COVID-19.

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