JAKARTA - Wang Xiaohui (35 years old) has the heart to abuse his domestic workers several times. The domestic worker was kicked in the groin and beaten with a clothes hanger until it broke.

Wang Xiaohui was finally sentenced to seven weeks in prison by the Singapore Court, Tuesday 28 September. He was also asked to pay S$2,000 or more in compensation to Ngo Sabal, according to Channel News Asia.

A psychiatrist examined Wang and stated that he had a major depressive disorder at the time of the incident. The depression had affected his ability to control himself to the limit.

District Judge May Mesenas rejected the recommendation of an 18-month mandatory treatment order for Wang, saying his impairment was not substantial enough to warrant an exit from the usual sentencing framework.

Ngo Sabal, a 25-year-old Myanmar national, started working at Wang's home in March 2019. It was also Ngo Sabal's first time working in Singapore, and he was tasked with housework and taking care of Wang's two young children.

According to court documents, Wang first abused Ngo Sabal in May 2019 by hitting him on the head twice. The following month, Wang hit him five more times and kicked him in the groin.

In July 2019, Wang hit Ngo Sabal with part of a vacuum cleaner. Wang hit him with a plastic hanger several times until it broke, then beat him again with two other plastic hangers until it broke.

He then turned around using a wooden hanger, hitting Ngo Sabal's arms, back, thighs and head several times while shouting at him and scolding him.

Wang stopped when this hanger broke too and then told Ngo Sabal to throw the pieces away.

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