JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Digital (Menkomdigi) Meutya Hafid, officially appointed a high-ranking officer of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Brigadier General of Police Alexander Sabar, as Acting Director General of Digital Space Supervision at the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kemkomdigi).
According to Meutya, Alexander's appointment was due to his track record in law enforcement and cyberspace surveillance, including his expertise in the field of digital investigation and forensics.
In fact, he has undergone various special training such as Computer Investigation and Forensics, the VFC Method Training, and Computer Investigation and Forensic Training by the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance.
Thus, Menkomdigi assessed that this experience and education are capable of handling the complexity of digital crimes, including data theft, distribution of illegal content, and online gambling.
"Collaboration between Komdigi and law enforcement agencies is very necessary, especially in a critical situation like now to respond to increasingly complex digital threats, especially on the issue of online gambling which is very detrimental to society," said Meutya in her official statement on Monday, November 25.
Meutya also hopes that the assignment of Brigadier General Alexander can accelerate the clean-up efforts within the Ministry of Communication and Digital from the threat of digital crime while increasing public trust in the security of the digital space in Indonesia.
Brigadier General Alexander Sabar was appointed based on the Chief of Police's Order Number Sprin/3346/XI/KEP./2024 dated November 18, 2024 to Brigadier General Alexander Sabar as the Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police, who is currently assigned to the National Narcotics Agency, to carry out his duties as Director General of Digital Space Supervision.
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