MEDAN - A man claiming to be a journalist fled the motorbike belonging to Putri Sri Aryasli (35) in Medan. The man fled the victim's motorbike by promising the victim a job at the North Sumatra governor's office (Gubsu).

At first, the victim visited the perpetrator named Rudiyono in Tegal Rejo Village, Medan Perjuangan. The victim gave a job application letter to the perpetrator.

"He (the perpetrator) offered me a job at the governor's office, he said using the bureau, I was surprised at first but I wanted to make sure it was true at the governor's office," said Putri, Tuesday, September 28.

Feeling confident with the perpetrator who is also a friend of her brother, Putri immediately prepared her application file and took her to the North Sumatra Governor's office.

"Because we believe in him (the perpetrator), because of my sister's friend. He told me to prepare his application and take him to the governor's office, we'll meet there, he said, last Saturday," she said.

The victim said the perpetrator asked her to come in the morning. The victim rode her brother's motorbike following the perpetrator's directions.

"I was told to come early in the morning, I went on my brother's motorbike. Until there he told me to brought my Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), and to copy the STNK cause it was important to deliver the documents," she said.

"So I went back home to get my STNK, then I made a photocopy and I immediately gave it to him (the perpetrator) as well as my application letter," she continued.

After the documents were submitted, the perpetrator, according to the victim, pretended to call someone. The perpetrator said the person on the phone was an employee at the Gubsu office who would receive a job application letter.

"Arriving at the governor's office at around 10.30 a.m., he (the perpetrator) called the bureau's father whose name is Jainal, he said again outside, the father left mineral water and Paramex medicine," she said.

The perpetrator at that time borrowed the victim's motorbike with the excuse of buying a deposit from a person who was said to be working at the governor's office.

"Then he (the perpetrator) borrowed my motorbike, wanted to buy medicine for the father, for some reason I gave him. When he wanted to go I asked him to come, but he kept going," he said.

After waiting, the perpetrator who brought his motorbike continued the victim never returned. Therefore, the victim reported this incident to the Medan Baru Police.

"I waited until the afternoon, but he didn't come home until today, I didn't pick up the phone and his cellphone died. He admitted that he was a journalist," she concluded.

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