MEDAN - The owner of a wine stall, Barton Lumban Tobing (56) in Dairi Regency, North Sumatra, killed his customer, Jamson Siburian (56). The victim died with machete stab wounds to the head and shoulder.

The Head of Subdivision for Public Relations of the Dairi Police, Iptu Donni Saleh, said that the incident began on Friday, September 24 evening. The victim was at the suspect's Warung Tuak in Gomit Village, Siempat Nempu District, Dairi.

At that time, said Donni, the victim consumed too much palm wine, until he was drunk.

"(Then) Victim Jamson Siburian got drunk and started making a fuss, then suspect Berton, who is the owner of a wine stall, advised the victim that the victim should go home immediately when he was drunk," said Iptu Donni, Monday, September 27.

However, until early Saturday, September 25, the victim still did not want to go home and an argument broke out with the suspect. Then after an argument, the victim left the shop to his house which was not far from the tuak shop. But the suspect was still upset, he then chased the victim.

"By carrying a machete and about 10 meters approaching the victim's house while the victim was still walking, suddenly the suspect Berton, slashed a machete at the victim's head repeatedly, until the victim fell on the road," said Iptu Donni.

After confirming the victim was dead, the suspect then turned himself in to the Dairi Police. Subsequently, the police conducted an investigation of the crime scene and evacuated the victim.

"The victim was found prostrate on the road and the entire back of the head was injured, an estimated 6 stabs and 1 stab to the left shoulder," said Donni.

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