JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri was not in his office when the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board Alliance (BEM SI) held a demonstration. This action was the aftermath of the polemic of the National Insight Test Assessment (TWK) which led to the dismissal of 57 KPK employees.

"Yes (KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri is in Jambi, ed)," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, when confirmed by reporters, Monday, September 27.

He then explained that the former Deputy for Enforcement of the Corruption Eradication Commission was attending an integrated corruption eradication coordination meeting there with a number of agencies. In this activity, Firli was accompanied by the ranks of the Directorate of Korsup Region I KPK.

BEM SI decided to hold a demonstration in front of the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta today or Monday, September 27.

"We, the movement to save the KPK, have gathered today to follow up with what the President has answered so far, he has not given his side to KPK employees," said the Coordinator of Legal & Human Rights Issues at BEM SI 2021, Zakky Musthofa Zuhad, in the Instagram account @bem_si, Sunday, September 26.

"So, like the ultimatum that we have given 3×24 hours and it turns out that there has been no answer according to our promise, we will take to the streets," he continued.

In the live Instagram on the account, the demonstration is already underway. Students from various campuses were seen carrying various banners and criticizing the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri.

"KPK died in Firli's era," said the student's cry written on white cardboard.

They started the action by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya. In addition, there was a command car carrying the orators.

Previously, the police ensured that they would maintain humane security when guarding the demonstration. South Jakarta Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Antonius Agus said this step was taken because the action held by BEM SI was a peaceful protest.

"We are not specific about increasing the number of troops, but we still prioritize humanism. In fact, we really prioritize policewomen personnel, the changes will be continuous. We really reduce the friction that occurs between us and our colleagues who carry out activities," he told reporters.

Even so, it also takes into account all the possibilities that can occur in the implementation of the action. "But we are sure, today will be peaceful," said Agus.

Furthermore, he also explained that a number of other agencies were also involved, such as the fire department. However, Agus said, this is usually done every time there is an action in order to anticipate the burning, which is usually initiated by a provocation.

In addition, to prevent cluster demonstrations because this activity was carried out in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, his party will take precautions. Including doing a random rapid-test antigen.

"We are ready with personnel with PPE even if we have to use it considering this is a pandemic period. Then we will also prepare it, (if, ed) it is necessary to check for random antigens," said Agus.

"The point is that everyone sees the field situation that will develop later," he added.

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