JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Azis Syamsuddin as a suspect in the alleged bribery case against AKP Stepanus Robin Pattuju, Saturday, September 25, early in the morning. After Azis was forcibly picked up by the KPK at his residence on Friday, September 24, at night. In this case, the bribe was allegedly given by Azis Syamsuddin when AKP Robin was still a KPK investigator. The bribe was allegedly given so that Robin would help manage the investigation into the alleged corruption case in Central Lampung. The investigation was carried out regarding the alleged involvement of Azis Syamsuddin and Aliza Gunado.
Azis Syamsuddin is suspected of having given bribes of Rp. 3.1 billion to AKP Robin. Bribes were given in stages, either directly to AKP Robin or through a lawyer named Maskur Husain.
"As the initial commitment to giving money from AZ to SRP and MH amounting to Rp 4 billion, which has been realized is only Rp 3.1 billion," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri.
For his actions, Azis Syamsuddin is suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) a or Article 5 paragraph (1) b or Article 13 of the Corruption Eradication Law. Azis was then detained for the first 20 days at the South Jakarta Police Rutan. The arrest of Azis Syamsuddin adds to the long list of DPR RI leaders who are suspects in corruption cases at the KPK.
Before Azis, there were two other DPR leaders who first dealt with the KPK. Namely, former DPR Speaker Setya Novanto from the Golkar Party and former DPR Deputy Speaker Taufik Kurniawan from the National Mandate Party (PAN). Responding to this, the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) believes that political parties must improve to send their best cadres to fill important positions in the legislature. and executives.
"I don't want to blame what has happened, I hope that by being detained by Pak Azis Syamsuddin, previously Alex Noerdin, and Setya Novanto first, there may still be remnants. But I hope that in the future this political party will send the best cadres to occupy positions- positions in the legislature and executive," said MAKI Coordinator, Boyamin Saiman, Saturday, September 25.
Boyamin believes that every political party has cadres of quality and integrity. Therefore, he said that political parties must screen their cadres who will be nominated for legislative or executive positions.
"If this is the correct filtering method, I am sure that at least we will get the best cadres in positions and mandates. So once again it can be filtered by means of science, psychological tests, profile assessment, track record methods and education methods," explained Boyamin.
Boyamin hopes that the operational budget for political parties from the state budget will soon be realized. Because according to him, this can trigger political parties to send the best cadres to sit in public positions.
"Later on, the political parties with the best standards, living democracy, good cadre system, will get a 100 percent budget. But, if the democratic system is bad, there is no party court mechanism and there is no mechanism for replacing democratic presidents and so on, it will be reduced by 20 percent," " he said.
He also hopes that political parties will be more professional so that when sending the best cadres, they will automatically be in a straight line with integrity and honesty.
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