JAKARTA - The personnel of the Gunung Anggas Post, the Pamtas Mechanized Infantry Battalion 643/Wns, have become English language educators at SMP Negeri 01 Siding, Jagoi Babang District, Bengkayang Regency.

Dansatgas Pamtas Mechanical Infantry Battalion 643/Wns, Lt. Col. Inf. Hendro Wicaksono, said that almost all personnel of the Pamtas Mechanized Infantry Battalion 643/Wns help as educators in schools in border areas. The problem is the lack of educators, one of which is English teachers, not all of whom can.

Sgt. Rizky Candra and Sol. Syaiful, members of Gunung Anggas Post who provide English lessons to students at SMP Negeri 01 Siding, Jagoi Babang District who teach the basics of English including tenses, reading, writing, and speaking.

Furthermore, he said, in this face-to-face learning activity, he always emphasized the ranks to help as educators while still complying with health protocols and always providing education about health protocols in between lessons so that students understand learning procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Separately, Sgt. Rizky said that he likes English so he has sufficient knowledge and can be used as an educator at SMPN 01 Siding. He hopes that the knowledge provided can be useful for students here because everywhere English is the number one international language used.

"Hopefully the knowledge I provide can be useful for the younger siblings here, in the future I pray that they will be given success and can build their hometowns," said Sgt. Rizky in a written statement from Dispenad.

Ani (16), one of the students, said that she was very happy with the English lessons given by the Pamtas Task Force personnel because it was easy to understand, and began to speak English.

"The learning method is good and very fun, so it makes it easy for us to learn it and remember the material that has been given," said Ani.

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