ACEH - The Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Aceh Jaya Regency, stated that it was still waiting for instructions from the Regional Head of Regional Office regarding the COVID-19 vaccination phase III for Hajj candidates in the area.

"We haven't injected the Moderna vaccine for the pilgrims because we haven't received any instructions from the Regional Head of Regional Office," said Head of the Aceh Jaya Ministry of Religion, Samsul Bahri in Calang, as reported by Antara, Friday, September 24.

He explained that the number of pilgrims in the area was 60 people and all of them had carried out the first and second stages of injection. According to him, his party is still waiting for the circular regarding the phase II injection because one that Saudi Arabia recognizes is the Moderna vaccine.

"If there is certainty that we will depart in 2022, we will inject the Moderna vaccine," he said.

He added that for the availability of the Moderna vaccine for the pilgrims, the data is available at the Health Service.

"We will re-check whether there is the availability of the Moderna vaccine for prospective pilgrims," said Samsul Bahri.

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