SURABAYA - Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) President Ahmad Syaikhu praised the handling of COVID-19 in East Java which continues to improve, even though it has entered a low risk of transmission of the case.

"The handling in East Java is good," said Syaikhu on the sidelines of his visit in Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 24.

The case of COVID-19 in East Java is indeed increasingly sloping, and the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) is decreasing, on the one hand, testing, tracing and treatment efforts are increasingly massive.

Based on information from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, East Java has been freed from level 3 and level 4. Currently, in East Java there are 19 districts/cities with level 1 and 19 regions entering level 2.

However, Syaikhu still reminded East Java PKS to continue to participate in handling COVID-19 in East Java.

"Don't be careless, friends in East Java must continue to be vigilant," he said.

The chairman of the East Java PKS DPW, Irwan Setiawan, said that one of the things that made COVID-19 in East Java continue to slope down were the prayers offered by the kiai.

"In East Java, there are many huts, Mr. PKS President, it seems that the prayers of the kiai and habaib in East Java have an effect on the continued improvement of the COVID-19 condition here," he said.

In addition, according to him, the role of the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, as the leader of the entire COVID-19 Task Force in East Java is very significant, so cases in East Java continue to decline.

East Java PKS, said Irwan, expressed its readiness to convey that it had coordinated with the COVID-19 Rapid Response Team (TRCC) to continue to be on standby.

"According to the direction of the DPP, we have conveyed to our friends to keep listening, especially for those closest to us," said the 45-year-old young politician.

"God willing, we are always ready to support the provincial government in handling COVID-19," he added.

Meanwhile, during the visit of the President of PKS to East Java, he accompanied a number of administrators, including Secretary Ahmadi, Treasurer Lilik Hendarwati, Chairman of MPW Yusuf Rohana, Chairman of the Sharia Council M Ajir Moenip, Head of Public Relations Reni Astuti and several other names.

During his visit to East Java, Syaikhu scheduled visits to several places, such as salt and chili farmers in Pamekasan, then to several Islamic boarding schools and a pilgrimage to the grave of Syaikhona Cholil in Bangkalan, Madura.

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