TANJUNG PINANG - Governor of the Riau Islands, Ansar Ahmad, asked the Indonesian Navy to intensify security in Natuna waters, following warships from China increasingly daring to enter the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) on the outer islands.

"The local government can only inform the Navy so that the Natuna sea security can be further improved", said Ansar Ahmad in Tanjungpinang, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 23.

However, Ansar did not deny that the Indonesian Navy experienced a limited fleet in guarding Indonesia's maritime sovereignty on the South China Sea border.

He continued to appreciate the hard work of the Indonesian Navy as the frontline guard to protect the Natuna Sea from threats from foreign parties.

Ansar also conveyed the importance of identifying whether the foreign ships had indeed entered the Natuna EEZ corridor or were only on international routes.

"If it is not included in the Natuna EEZ, then there is no need to question it. But if it is proven to have violated, it must be reprimanded and warned firmly", said Ansar.

The Golkar politician hopes that the central government through the relevant ministries will pay more attention to the safety and security of Natuna fishermen when they go to sea.

Not without reason, local fishermen complain of fear of going into the sea with Chinese warships entering their fishing areas.

Not only that, so far, Natuna fishermen have often faced Vietnamese-flagged foreign fishing vessels (KIA) that carry out fishing theft activities in these waters.

"In fact, it is not uncommon for local fishermen to be expelled by KIA Vietnam. Even though it is in our fishing area", said Ansar.

In addition, Ansar appealed to Natuna fishermen not to worry about going to sea, because the Navy has guaranteed the security and safety of local fishermen.

"The activities of local fishermen are monitored by the Indonesian Navy. So don't be afraid to go down to the sea", said Ansar.

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