JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR (House of Representatives), Puan Maharani, has asked the local government to give strict sanctions to schools that violate the provisions of face-to-face learning (PTM) by temporarily closing them. This includes schools where new clusters of COVID-19 transmission have emerged.

This was said by Puan regarding reports of several schools in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, and Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), which held PTM, even though they did not meet the requirements set by the government.

One of them is SMPN 4 Mrebet Purbalingga School, where 90 students were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

Puan encourages schools that violate the rules to carry out testing and tracing efforts, as well as sterilization of school locations before re-implementing PTM.

The Central Java legislator reminded schools to be careful in implementing PTM by paying attention to the health and safety of students and education staff, including their families.

Puan also emphasized that schools cannot force students to take PTM if they do not get permission from their parents/guardians according to the guidelines in the Four Ministerial Decree.

"So the school must continue to Distance Learning facility for students whose parents are not allowed to participate in PTM. There should be no discrimination against students who choose the option of learning by online methods", said Puan.

Especially for local governments, the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) urged a random Corona test to be conducted for schools that have held PTM.

"It is a form of supervision", concluded Puan.

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