JAKARTA - The Special Joint Operations Command (Koopsgabsus) Tricakti TNI was formed to pursue and arrest 11 terrorist DPOs from the Qatari group and the Ali Kalora group in the interior of the forests and mountains of Poso, Sigi and Parimo, Central Sulawesi.

The Tricakti Koopsgabsus troops under the leadership of Major General Richard TH Tampubolon operate in a coordinated manner with the Madago Raya Task Force which has been effective since early January 2021.

The TNI's Koopsgabsus troops began their duties in the Poso, Parimo and Sigi operational areas.

The Koopsgabsus Analyst Team in Poso, Colonel Inf. Henri Mahyudi, said that in its maneuvers, Koopsgabsus Tricakti relied on a small team with high firepower and high cruising range and able to maneuver in various terrains.

Even the very extreme weather had to be faced by the team to chase and ambush the hiding points of the 11 Poso Terrorist DPOs.

"The Ali Kalora group was successfully surrounded by the Chandraca 5 Koopsgabsus Team and the Madago Raya Task Force in the Taunca Forest on February 2, 2021, but the Ali Kalora group managed to escape shortly before the joint TNI/Polri team arrived at the location," said Henri, Tuesday, 21 September.

At that time, the joint TNI/Polri apparatus managed to confiscate various equipment belonging to the Ali Kalora group.

The hunt for the Qatari group and Ali Kalora's group continues to be carried out in a coordinated manner by all elements of the security forces involved in the field.

Tricakti Koopsgabsus and the Madago Raya Task Force through the Chandrasa 2 Koopsgabsus Team, finally managed to ambush and engage in a shootout with Ali Kalora's group and three other terrorists in the Watumototo Mountains, Tambarana Village, Poso Pesisir District on March 1, 2021.

The Koopsgabsus team succeeded in killing 2 Poso terrorists in the ambush, one of which was Irul alias Khairul who was the son-in-law of Santoso, the previous leader of the Poso terrorists. One other terrorist who died was Alvin alias Samil.

The Ali Kalora group, continued Henri, had given up on the Chandraca Team by returning fire and throwing homemade bombs and rice cake bombs.

During the ambush Ali Kalora was shot in the leg, but together with Jaka Ramadan managed to escape by jumping into a ravine taking advantage of the dark weather in the dense forest and the location of the crime scene which was very far from the residential area.

"The TNI's Koopsgabsus together with the Madago Raya Task Force were again able to kill two Poso terrorist DPOs," he said.

This success was obtained after days of the TNI's Tricakti 3 Koopsgabssus Team conquering tough terrain and successfully following the traces of the Qatari group's escape in areas that were difficult to reach either by land or air in the hilly areas of the interior of the Tokasa forest, Tanahlanto, Parimo Regency.

The Qatari terrorists and Rukli were killed on the spot in a silent operation that took place in the early hours of Sunday at around 03.00 WITA, Sunday.

"Qatar, who is known as a sadist, is the main executor of the Poso terrorist. He is called Amir or a leader in the Poso terrorist group network. This is revealed in a number of documents that were successfully dismantled and analyzed by the Koopsgabsus Analyst Team," said Henri.

During this time, he said, Qatar and Ali Kalora separated because there was a disagreement and conflict between the two terrorist leaders.

Then, a joint team of the Madago Raya Task Force managed to ambush and shoot dead a terrorist named Abu Alim six days after the Tokasa ambush on Saturday, June 17.

Abu Alim had escaped from the Tricakti 3 Team's ambush by jumping into the valley. He took advantage of the dark weather and dense forests in the Batutiga, Torue, Parimo areas.

Through continuous integrated operations, the Madago Raya TNI/Polri Task Force, the Sogili Team, again succeeded in killing 2 Poso terrorists at a plantation close to the village of Dusun Astina, Balinggi, Parimo, on Saturday, September 18. The results of the identification of the dead were Ali Kalora and Jaka Ramadan.

"Thus, the hunting operation carried out by the joint TNI/Polri Task Force has succeeded in crippling seven MIT Poso Terrorist DPOs, including figures namely Qatar and Ali Kalora in the period January to mid-September 2021," said Henri.

Meanwhile, Pangkoopsgabsus Tricakti Maj. Gen. Richard TH Tampubolon when confirmed said that until now there are only four terrorist DPOs remaining.

Major General Richard, who also serves as the Commander of Koopssus TNI, asked for support from the community so that all terrorist DPOs could be arrested immediately.

"We ask for prayers and support for all soldiers who continue to be aggressive and work hard in the field, so that they can immediately destroy the remaining four terrorist DPOs," said Richard.

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