PADANG - West Sumatra Governor, Mahyeldi Ansharullah, asked regents and mayors in this province to accelerate the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination because the achievement was considered low.

"Acceleration of vaccination needs to be boosted because the achievement is still 20 percent for the first dose of the vaccination target of 4.4 million people", Mahyeldi said in Padang, quoted by Antara, Monday, September 20.

He said that there were only 800,000 people who received the first phase of the vaccine in West Sumatra, so this figure is still far from the target.

Mahyeldi also held a meeting with the regent and mayor so that vaccination should be maximized to form "herd immunity" or community immunity.

"This needs to be intensified in all regions and we ask that people no longer debate the halal issue of vaccines because they have received certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)", said Mahyeldi.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Padang, Hendri Septa, said that in achieving the vaccination target, his party had embraced scholars, community leaders, and gave appeals in the form of circulars and publications to educate the public regarding vaccines.

He appealed to the public to succeed in the COVID-19 vaccination program so that life can return to normal as before the pandemic.

"We have invited scholars and community leaders, I have even informed through Kominfo, you can see large billboards inviting vaccines, calming the public, providing correct and actual information, that vaccines are healthy and halal for us", said Hendri.

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