JAKARTA - The Kembangan Police are still conducting in-depth investigations of 13 youths who were arrested while planning a brawl in the field near the Jami Ba'abul Minan Mosque, RT 07/08, Joglo area, Kembangan, West Jakarta.

"We are still investigating the 13 youths who were arrested last night. We are investigating where they come from, who they will fight with until now we are still investigating", said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kembangan Police, AKP Ferdo Alvianto, to VOI, Saturday, September 18.

Police Head suspects that the 13 youths who were arrested are a group of perpetrators who want to brawl.

"It is suspected that what was secured was their group (motorcycle gang). Regarding the gun, no one knows who it belongs to, it is still being investigated", he said.

The Kembangan Police are also still investigating one by one the arrested youths.

"Until this Saturday afternoon, we are still doing an in-depth investigation regarding where their planned activities (brawl) are", he said.

Police Head said that the arrests of the youths began when an examination was carried out and it was found that a sickle holster was kept by a young man. Intensive police investigation of the person concerned.

"During the investigation, one of the youth's friends called. There was an invitation to agree to carry out a brawl", said Police Head.

After learning about this, the Criminal Investigation Unit and personnel went to the location mentioned by the young man's friend in the field near the Jami Ba'abul Minan Mosque, RT 07/08, Joglo area, Kembangan, West Jakarta.

"When they arrived at the location, there was a group of youths gathered, suspected to be planning a brawl. We have secured them to the Kembangan Sector Police for further processing", he added.

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