JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry is working to deepen the manufacturing structure in the domestic bicycle industry sector. This is to encourage the growth of component manufacturers so that they can optimize the use of local products in the bicycle production chain.

"We will coordinate with various parties, especially the industrial sector itself, to be able to develop bicycles with domestically produced components," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in his statement quoted on Monday, July 13.

The Minister of Industry sees that the potential for the domestic market for the bicycle industry is very large so that business opportunities are still wide open. Moreover, in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, many people choose to exercise by cycling to be able to maintain their health.

"We see that the trend of bicycle use and sales is increasing again. This increase will not be short-lived, and we will also see that even if Covid-19 is over, riding a bicycle has become a lifestyle, so that the demand in the medium term will not decrease, even it will still increase. "he explained.

In order to spur the competitiveness of the bicycle industry in the country, Agus said that his party would hold talks with several bicycle principals and review the application of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).

"We want the bicycles used by Indonesians to be 100 percent industrial production in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics (ILMATE), Taufiek Bawazier, said that his party is spurring the strengthening of the supply chain for the domestic bicycle industry.

"We will try to increase the TKDN, so far the average has reached 40 percent," he said.

Taufiek explained that the domestic bicycle industry also needs to take advantage of the latest technology so that it can increase productivity and be able to produce quality products more efficiently.

"The part that currently needs to be supported, especially is the application of nano technology for bicycle frame materials made of carbon because the material is lighter. This industry must be built domestically to meet the needs of producers. In addition, on average other components can already be made in the country. domestically, "he said.

Electric Bike Development

In fact, the Ministry of Industry also encourages the development of electric bicycles. This is because Indonesia has the potential for natural resources in the form of nickel for its battery raw material needs.

"So, we will optimize battery factories in the country to develop electric bicycles. Innovation is very important, including the design of bicycles that suit the type or needs of Indonesian consumers, because it is for the convenience of cycling itself," he added.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Bicycle Entrepreneurs Association (Apsindo) Eko Wibowo said he was optimistic that the national bicycle industry could rise with the support of the government, especially in an effort to improve its supporting infrastructure. Moreover, the presence of bicycles is no longer just a recreational tool, but nowadays it is for the need to maintain health.

"With a change in lifestyle, the development of the national bicycle industry will also be boosted. Therefore, imported components must be substituted for domestic products in order to create 100 percent of the work of the nation's children," he explained.

According to Eko, the government should encourage people to use environmentally friendly transportation with good infrastructure, one of which is through the use of bicycles.

"So, the government must focus on dealing with this industry, so that if this effort is taken seriously it can be a goodwill from the government to support people in choosing bicycles as a means of transportation," he explained.

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