MEDAN - President Joko Widodo reminded the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, to immediately absorb regional spending.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi when giving a briefing to Forkopimda throughout North Sumatra at the official residence of the Governor of North Sumatra, Medan, Thursday, September 16.

According to the President, by absorbing regional spending, there will be a lot of money circulating in the community.

"What needs to be done is the realization of the APBD (Regional Budget) as soon as possible in all regencies/cities, so that the circulation of money in cities/regencies increases", said Jokowi.

Currently, said Jokowi, Medan City is the highest area with the APBD that is still stored in the bank. Jokowi disclosed the amount of Medan City APBD that is still stored in the bank is IDR 1.3 trillion.

"The realization of the APBD in North Sumatra is 55 percent, the lowest in Mandailing Natal is 28 percent. Be careful. The APBD in the biggest bank is IDR 1.3 trillion, Medan, try to check", said Jokowi.

"Immediately carry out the realization of the budget as soon as possible, to move the economy in the region", he continued.

To Forkopimda throughout North Sumatra, Jokowi reminded not to let the current budget in the bank for too long. Because times like this are not normal years.

"Don't be like normal years. These are two abnormal years, so don't spend too long in the bank", he said.

In addition, Jokowi also reminded Forkopimda elements throughout North Sumatra to be aware of the potential for inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Be careful with inflation, which means there is a shadow in North Sumatra. Because it affects economic growth", said Jokowi.

It is known, based on the realization report of the first semester of Medan City FY 2021, Medan City's regional expenditures amounted to more than IDR 1.37 trillion or 25.80 percent. Meanwhile, regional income was obtained at IDR 2.35 trillion, more than the target of IDR 5.19 trillion.

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