JAKARTA - Secretary of the PPP Party faction of the House of Representatives (DPR), Achmad Baidowi, appreciated President Joko Widodo for issuing Presidential Regulation 82/2021 on Funding for the Implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools, following the Pesantren Law which was passed 2 years ago.

"This is a gift for santri (Islamic Boarding School students) day which is commemorated every October 22", said Awiek, Wednesday, September 15.

Furthermore, Awiek explained, this Presidential Regulation is a provision for the technical implementation of Law 18/2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools. In particular, Article 49 paragraphs 1 and 2 mandate the Islamic Boarding School Endowment Fund.

This provision, he continued, obliges the government to provide a budget for pesantren and the establishment of a pesantren endowment fund sourced from education funds.

"This is at the same time the presence of the state to maintain the sustainability of the pesantren", explained the chairman of the PPP Party Central Executive Board (DPP).

Awiek added that the PPP faction of the DPR encouraged the entry of the Pesantren Endowment Fund for the 2022 budget year which was taken from the education endowment fund. This is because the DPR and the government are currently discussing the 2022 state budget (APBN) Bill at the Budget Agency (Banggar).

Regarding the amount, he said, it was fully adjusted to the state's financial capacity.

"The PPP faction will oversee it in the discussion of the 2022 RAPBN. The presence of the Presidential Regulation is also a legal umbrella for the regional government to allocate regional budget (APBD) for the development of Islamic boarding schools", said Awiek.

It is known, President Joko Widodo signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 82 of 2021 concerning Funding for the Implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools. The Presidential Regulation was signed on September 2, 2021.

Reported from the Presidential Decree which was uploaded to the official website of the State Secretariat (Setneg), Tuesday, September 14. In Article 2, it is stated that the funding for the implementation of Islamic boarding schools is managed based on the principles and objectives of the implementation of Islamic boarding schools in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Then in Article 3, funding for the implementation of Islamic Boarding Schools is managed for the development of the functions of Islamic Boarding Schools which include educational functions, da'wah functions, and community empowerment functions.

Then Article 4 explains the sources of funding for the implementation of Islamic Boarding School.

There are five sources, namely from the community, the central government, local governments, other legal and non-binding sources, and the Islamic Boarding School endowment fund.

Then, the funds used for the implementation of the pesantren can be in the form of money, goods and/or services.