JAKARTA - Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin asked the students of Universitas Merdeka (Unmer) Malang to maintain the good name of the campus. One of them, avoiding exposure to radicalism.

Ma'ruf asked Unmer Malang students not to fall into the notion of liberalism, secularism, radicalism, and being easily influenced by hoax news. In addition to damaging the image of the campus, it can also tarnish the values of national unity and integrity.

"For that, I ask the leaders and educators of Unmer Malang to pay attention and strengthen the teaching of national insight, in line with the spirit of the establishment of Unmer Malang as a university guarding Indonesian independence and nationality", said Ma'ruf while attending the Introduction to Campus Life for Students. New Students (PKKMB) Universitas Merdeka Malang Academic Year 2021/2022 via video conference from the Vice President's Official Residence, Jl. Diponegoro No. 2, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 14.

The Vice President invited the entire Unmer Malang academic community, including new students, to always foster a sense of nationalism in accordance with the values of Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

"In the era of digitalization, issues of radicalism and the spread of hoaxes through information technology have the potential to break the unity and integrity of the nation", he said.

Higher education is the government's strategic partner in building the progress of the nation and state. Because universities have an important role, not only producing educated and skilled human resources (HR), but also producing national leaders and thinkers who are able to answer various challenges of the times.

"To realize quality human resources, I encourage Unmer Malang to continue to improve the quality of learning, develop research and innovation by utilizing advances in information technology, and increase collaboration and collaboration with the business world and the industrial world (DU/DI), including collaboration with universities. another height", he continued.

Furthermore, the Vice President said that the concept of 'Learning Independence' launched by the government, needs to be the principle and determination of the entire Unmer Malang academic community, especially in increasing research and innovation activities.

On this occasion, the Vice President again reminded all parties to continue to be careful and increase vigilance by remaining disciplined in implementing health protocols, even though COVID-19 cases declined. Moreover, the government has set the start of limited Face-to-face Learning (PTM) at the tertiary level, especially in the area of the Enforcement of Levels 1-3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), on condition that they implement strict health protocols and run a vaccination program.

"Therefore, I hope that the entire Unmer Malang academic community can play an active role in the success of the vaccination program so as to create herd immunity for the entire community, especially for lecturers and all students", said the Vice President.

The day before, Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim, who was also present at the virtual opening of PPKMB, reminded new students that being a student is not the same as advancing to school. According to him, being a student means they have greater independence to determine the future direction.

"Therefore, we at the Ministry of Education and Technology give the right to all students throughout Indonesia to study outside their study program or outside their campus for three semesters", he added.

Indonesian students, Nadiem added, can use this time to participate in independent campus programs, including internships in companies or world social organizations, conducting independent studies, building villages, conducting research, working on humanitarian projects, designing and pioneering entrepreneurship, conducting student exchanges. at home and abroad, or teach in elementary or junior high schools through campus teaching programs.

Meanwhile, Unmer Malang Chancellor Anwar Sanusi who was also present to open the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PPKMB) revealed that Unmer Malang is committed to providing the best dedication for students.

"In this campus, we will learn various disciplines that are the concern of each student and also learn a lot of soft skills that will equip students to become excellent future leaders, namely bright future leaders", he said optimistically.

To form students as individuals with superior character, he continued, Unmer Malang designed this PKKMB activity to continue for one semester.

“During the next semester, you will be accompanied by lecturers in The Innovator program, who will embody your personality as a future reformer. I hope that through this program, the character of an innovator and entrepreneur will be formed in every Unmer Malang student", concluded Anwar.

Also present to give a public lecture at this event were the Commander of the V Brawijaya Regional Military Command Major General Suharyanto, Chairman of the Nahdatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) Robikin Emhas, Secretary to the Director-General of Higher Education Kemendikbudristek Paristiyanti Nurwardani, Special Staff to the Minister of Investment Muhammad Pradana Indraputra, and the Commander of Korem 083/Baladika Jaya Colonel Inf. Irwan Subekti.

Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice Presidential Secretariat Mohamad Oemar, as well as Special Staff for Vice President Bambang Widianto and Masduki Baidlowi.

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