A Rare Moment For Minister Nadiem And Mas Gibran, Bowing To The Body Of Mutual Assistance At The Front Desk Of School Teachers
Ministers Nadiem and Gibran compactly lifted the table while reviewing SMA Negeri 4 Solo (Surakarta News Screenshot)

JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim and Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka directly observed face-to-face learning (PTM) at SMA Negeri 4 Solo. When he came to school, Nadiem was immediately greeted by Gibran in front of the school gate.

One by one, the class was visited by Minister Nadiem and Mas Gibran to see in detail how the implementation of health protocols (prokes) was carried out in schools.

Nadiem also did not forget to ask the students how the days at school were after running this PTM. After reviewing the classroom, Nadiem and Gibran then met the school teacher at one of the sports fields. This is where the rare moment happened.

Initially, Gibran and Nadiem wanted to sit in the place prepared by the school. There is a table and a mic that has been installed. However, because the table was quite far from the teachers' benches at the school, this table was moved.

Instead of ordering the officers, Nadiem and Gibran immediately took the initiative, bowed and moved the table to a location close enough to the teachers' chairs. This moment was immediately greeted positively by the participants with laughter.

To the media crew, Nadiem said "I just observed here at SMA Negeri 4 Solo and it was amazing what I saw. Not only the progress but also the enthusiasm of the high school children who finally returned," said Nadiem as reported by VOI from the Surabaya news Youtube channel, Monday. , September 13th.

Nadiem said, on average, students were bored with distance learning during the pandemic season.

"I can see that his eyes have been lonely for a long time. PJJ is bored, very bored with the PJJ method. I appreciate Sir, Mayor about this PTM. Mas Gibran is very pro PTM. must ensure the discipline of the process," explained Nadiem.

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