SAMARINDA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) has supported more than 1.000 orphans whose parents died due to exposure to COVID-19. The total compensation is IDR 2.55 billion.

"As of September 8, 2021, the total number of children who have been given compensation is 1.251 children and this has increased by 25 children to 1.276. When multiplied by IDR 2 million, the value is IDR 2.55 billion", said East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 10.

Present on the occasion were 27 children, consisting of 13 boys and 14 girls. Isran Noor said that the amount had to be paid by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and it would not be a problem, no loss because the policy was for the community.

Governor Isran Noor said this compensation is a form of concern from the provincial government to orphans whose parents died of exposure to COVID-19 in regencies/cities throughout East Kalimantan.

"We are here to stay in touch related to humanitarian assistance. The noblest thing at this moment is my children who receive compensation because some of them do not have mothers, fathers, or mothers. Hopefully, we will all be given the ease in dealing with this pandemic situation", said Isran Noor.

Governor Isran Noor also emphasized that the assistance provided was purely for humanity, not seeking popularity.

In addition, he handed over a thousand food packages to the Regent of Berau Sri Juniarsih to be distributed to the people of Berau.

The basic food assistance is part of the Mutual Movement (Geber) of the Mulawarman University Alumni Family Association (IKA Unmul) as a form of concern for people affected by COVID-19.

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have felt strongly called to help people affected by COVID-19. Starting from students who had difficulties when there were restrictions at the beginning of the pandemic and continue to this day", said Isran Noor.

According to Isran Noor, to move this, coordination and cooperation from all parties are needed, including the role and involvement of the business world, private sector, banking, SOE/Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMN/BUMD), religious communities, and others.

"Hopefully this assistance can be useful to overcome the problems that occur due to the COVID-19 pandemic", said Isran.

Berau Regent Sri Juniarsih Mas expressed his gratitude for the assistance and attention from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and IKA Unmul, in efforts to deal with COVID-19 in Bumi Batiwakal.

He emphasized that he would immediately distribute aid according to the data and its designation.

"Thank you. We will immediately distribute it to people who really need it during this pandemic", said Sri Juniarsih.

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