MEDAN - The decision of the Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution regarding the official attire and attributes of the typical regional daily official attire in the Medan City Government has been questioned by the Medan City Malay ethnic community.

Medan city cultural activist, Afifuddin Ali Akbar (Daeng Afif), accompanied by several leaders of Malay organizations, said his party asked Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution to review his decision.

"We ask the Mayor of Medan to review the decision and cancel its implementation", said Daeng Afif at the Maimun Palace, Medan, Friday, September 10.

Daeng Afif emphasized that his party does not deny the diversity that exists in the city of Medan. For him, the city of Medan is a place for ethnic and cultural origins from within or outside North Sumatra.

"However, the sociological roots of the people of Medan City, namely ethnic Malays with Malay culture, must be maintained, preserved, preserved and respected", said Daeng Afif.

Malay culture that comes from ethnic Malays is local wisdom. This is evidenced by all historical relics such as the Maimun Palace and the Almahsun Grand Mosque.

"Local wisdom is the local content of the local ethnic culture, namely the Malay ethnicity which must be a learning material for the younger generation so that they are not blind to the history and sociological roots of the local community, namely the Malay ethnicity", he explained.

Referring to that, his party assumes that the Medan Mayor's decision has ignored the historical principles of the birth of the City of Medan.

"The decision of the Mayor of Medan does not refer to and refers to the sociological and cultural roots of the indigenous people of Medan City, namely the Malay community with a Malay culture", he said.

Therefore, he asked Bobby Nasution and all his staff to understand that ethnic Malays are local ethnicities or local ethnicities in Medan City.

"Meanwhile, other ethnic groups are immigrants from around the city of Medan in North Sumatra or outside North Sumatra", he said.

They also asked Bobby Nasution to stipulate the Teluk Belanga Malay attire for men and brackets for women to be worn by ASN (State Civil Servant) on duty at the Medan City Government every Friday.

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