JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that currently, the government is still synchronizing differences in COVID-19 data between the central and regional governments.

Wiku asked other regions to imitate Depok City, which is capable of synchronizing 17 thousand case data for one week. Previously, tens of thousands of these cases had not been recorded in the Ministry of Health's single data system, the New All Record (NAR).

"Reflecting on Depok's experience, it can be completed in one week to synchronize around 17,000 cases", said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Friday, September 10.

Wiku appealed to all regions that still have discrepancies in data on COVID-19 cases with the central government to immediately report and synchronize for one week.

"He asked the head of the district/city health office to synchronize data and coordinate with the Ministry of Health's Pusdatin, take advantage of this one week to complete it", he said.

In addition, Wiku hopes that there will be no more late data reports from the regions to the center so that policymaking can be fast and accurate.

"There is no longer any difference in data that differs between the center and the regions in the future", he continued.

Previously, the Director of Prevention and Control of Directly Infectious Diseases (P2PML) of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said there was still 18.3 percent of active case data in areas that had not been updated for more than 21 days.

"There are data on active cases in areas that have not been updated for more than 21 days, totaling around 49 thousand cases", said Nadia on Thursday, August 26.

Of this number, the five provinces that have the highest number of active cases that have not been updated are Central Java at 28.9 percent, West Java 24.6 percent, Papua 70.3 percent, North Sumatra 12.3 percent, and East Java 10.5 percent.

"We urge the local government to immediately update the data. This data continues to move in number, considering that there are still data submitted which are old data", said Nadia.

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