MANOKWARI - The West Papua Regional Police have named 17 names on the wanted list (DPO) of the 19 perpetrators of the attack on the Posramil Kisor, South Aifat District.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Papua Regional Police, Kombes Adam Erwindi, said that of the 19 perpetrators, two of them had been named suspects.
"Two suspects have been detained with the initials MY (20) from Boksu Village, South Aifat District, and MS (18) from Insum Village, South Aifat District", said Adam Erwindi, at the West Papua Police Headquarters, in Manokwari, quoted by Antara, Friday, September 10.
The identities of the other 17 perpetrators are the development of the investigations of the two suspects MY and MS, which were officially determined by the DPO by the investigation team of the South Sorong Criminal Investigation Division Police.
According to the police, the attack on the Kisor Posramil was carried out in a planned and organized manner within the structure of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in the Maybrat Region.
"We have determined this incident as a criminal act of persecution and premeditated murder by the KNPB Kisor Sector group led by Silas Ki", said Kombes Adam.
The 17 DPO names are Silas Ki, Manfred Fatem, Musa Aifat, Setam Kaaf, Titus Sewa, Irian Ki, Alfin Fatem, Agus Kaaf, Melkias Ki, Melkias Same, Amos Ki, Musa Aifat, Moses Aifat, Martinus Aisnak, Yohanes Yaam, Agus Yaam, Robi Yaam.
"The joint TNI/Polri team is still hunting for the perpetrators, and there may be more. We urge the public to report immediately if they know of the existence of these 17 DPOs", said Kombes Adam.
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