JAKARTA - The legal counsel for the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Juniver Girsang, stated that his party is ready to report Lokataru Executive Director Haris Azhar to the police.

This was conveyed after receiving an answer to the summons from Haris Azhar's attorney, which was the aftermath of Haris' video content with KontraS Coordinator Fatia Maulida. In the video, Luhut is said to have participated in 'playing mining' in Papua through the company PT Tobacom Del Mandiri, a subsidiary of the Toba Sejahtera Group.

According to Juniver, the response to the summons he received on Wednesday, September 8, did not answer the substance in question, namely an apology. So, it will continue this polemic to legal channels.

"The essence of the subpoena is that there is defamation, fake news, please prove it. It turns out that it was not answered and instead we offer it if there is no evidence, with a big heart if he apologizes we accept it. It turns out that there was no response," said Juniver when contacted by VOI by telephone on Thursday evening, September 9th.

"Thus we will stick with our subpoena, if the statement cannot be accounted for and does not apologize, of course we will proceed to the legal process," he added.

Even so, he does not know when the reporting will be carried out because he will first communicate with his client. The articles that may be suspected against Haris are the ITE Law and general crimes.

"But we still make sure, to seek truth, justice, and certainty through the legal process," said Juniar.

While regarding the invitation to attend the discussion on Haris' YouTube Channel, he said it was too late. According to him, Haris as the owner of the channel should bring up events from two sides or cover both sides.

"If he broadcasts our client, that's the way it should be. This is after he slandered, slandered, formed opinions, formed opinions so that the stigma developed in society, he was invited. This is not fair," he said.

Juniver said his party might want to come when Haris apologized and clarified first before inviting him back. "And in that meeting we said we accepted his apology because the news was not true. Simple, right," he said.

"So we're not debating there, clarifying. What we are clarifying while the statement he made is a lie. That's right. What was clarified, he clarified first. clarification," added Juniver.

Furthermore, he said that due to the video, his client's reputation had been tarnished. This, he continued, was seen on social media where many netizens made scathing comments.

"If Haris Azhar is digitized, will he accept it personally, family, employees or wherever he works? Not really. So it's not that easy to say there are no problems. This is about psychology, self-esteem, and honor," said Juniver.

Previously, Haris Azhar's attorney, Hendrayana, said that his party had sent an answer to the summons in the form of a letter. In the letter, his party also invites Luhut's camp to discuss this polemic and will provide space to clarify existing videos through his YouTube channel.

Hendrayana hopes that Luhut's camp will accept this invitation. Moreover, this is a form of good faith that has been shown by his client.

However, if Luhut and his attorney are not willing and will continue this polemic to legal channels by reporting it to the police, Hendrayana and Haris Azhar's legal team claim to be ready to serve him.

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