SORONG - Sorong City's COVID-19 Handling Task Force, West Papua, said there were eight confirmed COVID-19 patients who were still being treated at a local hospital.

"Five patients are being treated at the Navy Hospital and three patients are being treated at the Sorong City COVID-19 emergency hospital," said Sorong City COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Ruddy Rudolf Lakku, quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 9.

He said that the Sele be Solu Hospital in Sorong City had no more COVID-19 patients. The hospital no longer treats COVID-19 patients but provides public services as usual.

Ruddy explained that there were still seven new cases added this week. A total of two patients have been declared cured and the rest are undergoing isolation.

While PPKM Sorong City has now dropped to level 2. Community activities such as worship, schools, and other office activities can be carried out with 50 percent capacity and apply health protocols.

Even though it has gone down to PPKM level 2, the people of Sorong City must not be careless and remain disciplined in implementing health protocols as an effort to prevent transmission from COVID-19.

"Keep wearing a mask when traveling in public places, wash your hands frequently, and avoid crowds to protect yourself and your family from the spread of the coronavirus," he said.

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