BOGOR - The West Java Regional Police enforced the odd-even rule for motorized vehicles in an integrated manner in the Puncak area, Bogor Regency, September 10-12. This is to reduce the density of weekend traffic flow.

West Java Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Eddy Sumitro conveyed the decision after a coordination meeting with Bogor Police Chief AKBP Harun, Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Dedy Darmawansyah, Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Doni Hermawan, and Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Zainal Abidin, Bogor City Police Headquarters. reported by Antara, Thursday, September 9.

According to Eddy Sumitro, the West Java Regional Police are coordinating five police stations and the regional police in Greater Bogor to work together to implement the odd-even policy for motorized vehicles so that the results are optimal and effective.

Eddy Sumitro explained that the implementation of the odd-even motorized vehicle policy was evaluated for repairs the following weekend.

"The target is to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmission cases. Currently, all of West Java is at PPKM Level 3, we hope that it will soon drop to Level 2," he said.

Meanwhile, Bogor City Police Headquarters Kombes Pol. Susatyo Purnomo Condro added that the implementation of the odd-even policy for motorized vehicles in the Puncak Bogor area has prepared 14 locations for blocking.

The location of the partition includes eight points in Bogor Regency, two points in Bogor City, one point in Cianjur Regency, two points in Sukabumi City, and one point in Sukabumi Regency. Susatyo explained that the integrated odd-even implementation in the Puncak Bogor area will look at the volume of passing vehicles, both four-wheeled and two-wheeled.

In reducing vehicle mobility, he said, it will be carried out in several stages, first, limiting the odd-even number of license plates for motorized vehicles.

If it is still high, a one-way system is applied. If the volume of vehicles is still high, the next step is to completely shut down the vehicles entering the Puncak Bogor area.

He hopes that the incident in the last 2 weeks, namely the dense volume of vehicles in the Puncak Bogor area, which has become viral on social media, can be reduced, and the public can understand more.

"Currently there is still a COVID-19 pandemic with PPKM Level 3 status, the community is not yet fully free," he reminded.

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