There Are Still Many DKI Residents Who Don't Want To Be Vaccinated, Anies: Some Are Waiting For Certain Vaccines

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that currently there are 10.1 million residents who have received the COVID-19 vaccination in Jakarta. This figure has already passed the target of achieving herd immunity.

However, it turns out that the recipients of vaccinations in the capital city are not only residents of Jakarta. Anies revealed that there are still millions of residents with DKI ID cards or domiciled in DKI who have not participated in the vaccination.

"Out of 10 million, there are 3.9 million residents with non-Jakarta ID cards. Our homework is that there are 2.7 million people who have not been vaccinated with DKI Jakarta ID cards," said Anies in the Central Jakarta area, Thursday, September 9. .

Anies explained various reasons why residents had not been vaccinated. One of them is because he does not want to get a vaccine injection that has been provided by the government.

Currently, there are only four types of vaccines imported into Indonesia, namely Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna. Plus, the Moderna vaccine is provided for the Mutual Cooperation vaccination program.

"Some are waiting for a certain vaccine. Currently they don't want a vaccine because they are waiting for a vaccine that they feel comfortable with. We are witnessing that now," said Anies.

Then, there are also residents who do not want to be vaccinated. In addition, there are residents who have moved from Jakarta, but the status of residence on their ID cards is still listed as Jakarta residents.

"So, the ID card remains with Jakarta status, but no longer lives in Jakarta," said Anies.

Anies said that 2.7 million people would be urged to join the vaccination program. The DKI Provincial Government is currently conducting searches on residents who have not been vaccinated.

"We will reach all of that. Now there is screening in the kelurahan, RT, RW to check who the local residents have not received the vaskin. For those who haven't, they will be encouraged to go to the vaccination site," he concluded.

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