JAKARTA - Social media activist Denny Siregar suddenly mentioned the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) through a tweet on his Twitter, @Dennysiregar7.

This departs from the news which states that the Philippines is following in the footsteps of Indonesia in suppressing the rate of COVID. The Philippine government considers the lockdown policy or lockdown to be ineffective.

"Well, it turns out that someone has imitated Indonesia's steps," tweeted Denny while mentioning AHY's Twitter account, @AgusYudhoyono quoted Tuesday, September 7th.

"That's why his son doesn't write letters in English anymore, if it turns out that Joko Widodo's decision is followed by other countries," Denny quipped.

Denny added, if in the past the Joko Widodo administration followed the advice of AHY and the Democrats for Indonesia to implement a lockdown, now it can plunge into a recession.

"If you had followed the advice of @AgusYudhoyono and the @PartaiDemokrat people who shouted, "lockdown, lock down!" until their mouths foamed, Indonesia could plunge into a recession now,"

"A spoiled child pretends to manage the country. It's hard to be told to be independent," Denny quipped. The Democrats are one of the parties that strongly asked Jokowi to implement a lockdown in the early days of soaring COVID cases. As stated by the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.

With these efforts, AHY hopes to minimize the spread of COVID and is only temporarily carried out until it is considered safe to reopen.

"Lockdown will definitely have an impact on the economy, but the safety of humans and the community is first and foremost," AHY said in Jakarta, Friday, March 20, 2020.

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