JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) regulates the construction of billboard buildings on protocol roads and public facilities in DKI Jakarta. The three buildings are located in South Jakarta and Central Jakarta.

Head of Tibum Satpol PP DKI Jakarta, Tumbur Parluhutan Purba said that his party and the related SKPD in controlling billboards on three police post buildings, namely the Pancoran red light intersection, Tebet District, South Jakarta and two in Central Jakarta, namely Jalan Lapangan Banteng and Simpang Harmoni, Jalan Gajah Mada.

"This is all illegal. We have also received a recommendation from the Directorate of Traffic of the Polda Metro Jaya because the billboard is above the police post building," he told VOI at the Harmoni intersection, Jalan Gajah Mada, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 6, evening.

He revealed, based on data from the DKI Jakarta One Stop Service Investment Office, the three billboards at the police post did not have permits.

"The DKI Jakarta Satpol PP also issued warning letters (SP) 1 and 2 before the control was held tonight," he said.

He said his party was overseeing the dismantling process carried out by the company that manages LED billboards at three police posts.

"We also routinely check pole and LED billboards in five areas of the capital, including citizen complaints and coordinate with PTSP and the Regional Revenue Agency," he said.

He stated that around 50 billboards without a permit had been brought under control during the period from January to September 2021. Meanwhile, during 2019 to 2020, as many as 170 billboards without a permit were brought under control.

"We control conventional and LED billboards that do not have a Building Permit (IMB BR)," he said.

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