JAKARTA - Government spokesman for the handling of COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto said 22,992 specimens were examined as of Saturday, July 4. Where there are still additional 1,447 new cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia.

The addition of these new cases brings the total positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia to 62,142, since the first case was announced by President Joko Widodo on March 2, 2020. The number of patients recovering from COVID-19 today has increased to 651, with a total of 28,219 patients. Meanwhile, 53 more patients died, bringing the total to 3,089.

"From the results of these examinations, we have obtained 1,447 new positive confirmed cases, bringing the total to 62,142 positives," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Saturday, July 4.

Yuri explained, there have been 453 regencies / cities in 34 provinces affected by Covid-19. Until now, a total of 894,428 specimens have been examined.

This number came from the addition of 22,992 specimens examined in the last 24 hours, using either a molecular rapid test (TCM) or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

"Productivity activities are needed again, but they need to be carried out with conditions that are safe from COVID-19 in order to avoid the risk of transmission," Yuri explained.

The government is also still monitoring 38,890 people under surveillance (ODP). Meanwhile, there are 14,205 patients under surveillance (PDP).

The distribution of the most additional positive cases occurred in East Java, namely 423 new cases and 100 recovered. DKI Jakarta followed with as many as 223 positive cases with 268 recovered. Other additions occurred in South Sulawesi with 195 new cases and Central Java with 110 new cases.

Yuri again reminded the public to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols. Whether it's keeping your distance, using a mask and washing your hands to avoid COVID-19.

"We still find day-to-day transmission rates, where there are people carrying the virus but unable to protect others because they don't wear masks. And there are also healthy people who are susceptible to infection because they don't wear masks and don't wash their hands frequently," he concluded. Yuri.

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