JAKARTA - The crowd at Holywings Kemang cafe in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta has gone viral on social media. When raided by officers, last Saturday, September 4, it was seen that the visitors were also ignoring health protocols, not wearing masks.

In a 26-second video uploaded by Twitter @denrem, it appears that visitors immediately left when the officers arrived. The voice of the officer in the video looks angry while shouting at the cafe visitors.

"This is Holywings. When will this country finish (COVID)? Oops, when will this country finish? There is nothing clear about young people, no cooperation, no young people working together to eliminate COVID. Look at these young people", said the officer's voice in videos.

Netizens also criticized this crowd and regretted why they had to gather like that. Even though Jakarta's status has been reduced to PPKM Level 3, the number of COVID-19 is still relatively high.

"The rush has also dropped dramatically (COVID). It has also fallen drastically (COVID). Time to relapse again? Stupid young people!", tweeted the account @constanti**** criticizing.

"Oh my gosh, that's too much!!! if PPKM is tightened again, you're shouting saying you can't find food!!! But it's your turn to relax PPKM, you just hang out!!!", criticized other netizens.

"Community service for 3 months, replace the funeral staff for the covid corpse. Let the officers off, still receive full salary, so they can spend time with their families", said netizen, @MizLuc****

               — Denny Siregar (@Dennysiregar7) September 5, 2021

For information, the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP temporarily sealed the Holywings cafe Kemang, South Jakarta for violating health protocols during the Level 3 Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The breach occurred on Saturday, September 4 evening. The sanction given is in the form of the temporary closure of the place of business for 3x24 hours since Sunday, September 5.

"The Jakarta Satpol PP Officer was imposed with a temporary closure sanction of 3x24 hours on Sunday, September 5 after it was found that there was a violation of the PPKM level 3 provisions", wrote the satpolpp.dki Instagram account, Monday, September 6.

It is known, Holywings Kemang had previously violated health protocol rules during the pandemic 2 times. If Holywings Kemang violates it again, the DKI Provincial Government will freeze its business license.

"The sanction of freezing business licenses by Regional Regulation number 2 of 2020 and Pergub number 3 of 2021 will be applied to Holywing's management if they are found to have violated business provisions during the pandemic", he said.

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