JAKARTA - The Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) forbids online loans because of the interest called usury or additional payments for those who owe. In Islam, usury is forbidden. Thus, MUI proposes that online loans be removed. Because a lot of restlessness and harm the community.

“This online loan trend turns out to have no spirit to help, only people who lend money want to make a profit. We didn't stipulate an additional one when returning a loan called interest or usury, even though what is called interest is clearly prohibited in Islam and its haram", said a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission, Fuad Thohari, Friday, September 3.

In addition, in practice, this online loan violates the Shari'a. The reason is that the additional interest required when in debt is unlawful or usury, which is not included in a favor.

"The prohibition of usury is very strict for anyone, online loans are also far from word Ta'awun or mutual help. For example, borrow a million today, when you return it tomorrow, it will be more than 1 million, and the next day it will be more detrimental", he explained.

Because the spirit of this borrower is looking for profit, said Fuad, then online loans are very burdensome for borrowers. Thus, causing a lot of harm or harm.

“It is better because there are many harms that cause a lot of harm, suffocate, delete them, and are prohibited. If there is no addition to this loan, something called interest, then the spirit of helping, of course, MUI will give appreciation", said Fuad.

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