JAKARTA - Central Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief Setyo stated that from the results of the examination, the alleged incident of sexual harassment and bullying at the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) office occurred 6 years ago.

"This incident occurred on October 22, 2015. Here the police respond to what has become public unrest. We receive and follow up on reports from MS as a victim", said Setyo to VOI at his office, Thursday, September 2 evening.

According to him, since Wednesday evening, September 1, the Central Jakarta Metro Police and KPI have been working together to uncover the concerns.

"From last night we collaborated with the reporter and his lawyer as well as KPI. Together we discussed trying to uncover this incident", he said.

Regarding the investigation, he continued, his party still refers to the Criminal Procedure Code which has been regulated for handling criminal cases.

"We will definitely take these steps in accordance with the alleged articles that we suspect", he said.

Meanwhile, the alleged case of sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS by a colleague at the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) office, apparently has been known to the KPI commissioner since 2019.

At that time, the victim had reported the incident he had experienced to one of the commissioners of KPI. KPI Commissioner Nuning Rodiyah admitted that in 2019, indirectly, the victim conveyed what he had experienced to himself.

"In the day (the report he received) of course, I don't remember the details. It happened around 2019 and the person concerned only said that there was no direct discussion", Nuning told reporters at the Central Jakarta Police, Thursday, September 2 evening.

She also admitted that the case experienced by MS had been going on for a long time. However, she said, all KPI commissioners only learned that the victim had written an open letter on Wednesday, September 1.

"It's true that this has been a long time, but I need to convey it to all of my friends. That Wednesday afternoon I just received it and then it was confirmed by friends. It was confirmed by several colleagues and we only found out about it. Especially when there was violence later sexual relations that occurred at the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI)", she said.

MS, the alleged victim of sexual violence and bullying by his co-workers, continued Nuning, had conveyed directly to himself about MS's desire to change divisions because he was not comfortable working in his division at that time.

It is suspected that MS's request was to avoid harassment and bullying by his fellow division workers. However, at that time, Nuning said, the process of moving divisions was carried out through the applicable mechanism.

"That was also conveyed to me personally, the person concerned came into my room, asking if I could move to another division. I said that in other divisions of course using a mechanism, when the formation is empty, the person concerned can then participate in the selection in that formation", he said.

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