JAKARTA - The PKS faction of the DKI Regional House of Representatives made an interim shift (PAW) for its faction members. This was done because of the former chairman of the PKS faction, Mohammad Arifin, who passed away some time ago.

The chairman of the PKS faction of the DKI Regional House of Representatives, Achmad Yani, said that the change in members of this faction was contained in the Central Board of PKS Decree No. 134/SKEP/DPP-PKS/2021 concerning Inter-Time Alternation (PAW) of members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

"According to the regulations, a change must be made. And the replacement has been processed and a decree has been issued from the DPP regarding the management of the new PKS faction", said Yani at the DKI Regional House of Representatives building, Thursday, September 2.

The member of Arifin's replacement faction is Suhud Alynudin. Suhud is the Secretary for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs of the Central Board of PKS.

"We hope that all members of the faction can be united and solid to carry out their duties properly by their roles as members of the DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representatives to carry out the PKS vision in defending the people of Jakarta", said Yani.

In addition, PKS also added two positions of Advisor to the PKS Faction. Previously, only Nasrullah and Abdurrahman Suhaimi were the Faction Advisors. Khoirudin and Karyatin Subiyantoro also hold the position of Faction Advisor.

The addition of two advisory positions is under the authority of the PKS Central Executive Board (DPP). This is stated in the DPP PKS Decree Number 133/SKEP/DPP-PKS/2021 dated August 25, 2021.

Yani said that the decision to add the two positions was considered based on the assessment of the amount of service to the party. Khoirudin is known to also serve as Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKS DPTW. Then, Karyatin also carried out the mandate as the Regional Coordinator for DKI Jakarta Regional Development Agency (BPW) for Banten, Jakarta, and West Java (Banjabar) Central Board of PKS.

"With their experience and strategic position, it is most appropriate to be included as Faction Advisors", he concluded.

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