BOGOR The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bogor City has officially appointed the Dedie A. Rachim and Jenal Mutaqin pairs as the elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bogor for the period 2024-2029. This determination was made at the Open Pleno Meeting at the Braja Mustika Building, West Bogor, on Thursday, January 9, 2025.

The Head of the Technical Division of the Bogor City KPU, Dian Askhabul Yamin, said that the candidate pair number 3 won the most votes, namely 183,500 votes or 36.79 percent of the total valid votes.

The determination is stated in Minutes Number 4/PL.02.7-BA/3271/2025 concerning the Determination of Candidate Pairs for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bogor Elected in 2024.

"The number of votes is 183,500, the number of votes in percent is 36.79 percent determined as candidates for the elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bogor in 2024," said Dian when reading the determination.

This determination process was carried out after the KPU received the Constitutional Case Registration Book (BRPK) from the Constitutional Court (MK), which confirmed that there was no dispute over the election results in Bogor City.

On the same occasion, the elected Mayor of Bogor, Dedie A. Rachim, expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the simultaneous Pilkada which took place safely and conducively.

"We are committed to advancing the city of Bogor and improving the quality of people's lives through collaboration with various parties for the benefit of the people," said Dedie.

Previously, the 2024 Bogor City Pilkada was attended by five pairs of candidates. The Dedie A. Rachim-Jenal Mutaqin pair (number 3) was promoted by the PAN, Gerindra, Democrat, Gelora, and Perindo parties. The other four pairs are Sendi Fardiansyah-Melli Darsa (Nomort Urut 1), carried by the Nasdem, Golkar, and PSI parties.

Atang Trisnanto-Annida Alivia (Nomor Urut 2), was carried by the PKS and Ummat parties. Rena Da Frina-Ahmad Teddy Risandi (Nomor Urut 4), carried by PDIP. Raendi Rayendra-Eka Maulana (Nomor Urut 5), carried by the PKB, PPP, and Labor parties.

With the election of Dedie-Jenal as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bogor, the public hopes that there will be new breakthroughs and innovations that can make Bogor City more advanced and prosperous.

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