As many as 57 cows in Cianjur Regency, West Java, were reported to have contracted mouth and nail disease (PMK). Currently, the cows are undergoing a period of quarantine to prevent further spread while undergoing the healing process.
Head of the Cianjur Animal Husbandry, Animal Health and Fisheries Service (DPKHP), Aris Haryanto, revealed that the majority of the infected cows came from outside the region. Transmission occurs due to direct contact with local cattle who were previously in good health.
"We found 57 cows infected with FMD. The majority of the infected cows came from outside Cianjur. However, there were local cows that were infected because they were in one cage or in close contact with the cows from outside," said Aris, Thursday, January 9.
All infected cows have now been quarantined for intensive care. In addition, the Cianjur DPKHP continues to intensify the PMK vaccination program for livestock in various regions to reduce the risk of spreading. To date, hundreds of cows have been vaccinated by the livestock team.
"We are actively vaccinating every day at various local farms. This is our main step to protect other cows from the PMK outbreak. Hundreds of people have been vaccinated," added Aris.
DPKHP Cianjur also provides free vaccination services for farmers. Breeders or groups of breeders who need vaccination can apply through the nearest Puskeswan or directly to the Cianjur DPKHP.
"Provinces who want vaccination are enough to contact us. This service is free of charge, and we will provide technical personnel to help," explained Aris.
In addition to vaccination, DPKHP actively disseminates PMK prevention at the sub-district and village levels. One of the main points emphasized is the importance of quarantine for cattle that have just arrived from outside the region before being merged with local cattle.
Api from outside must be quarantined for at least 14 days to ensure there are no symptoms of PMK. After that, if the body temperature is normal and symptom-free, then it can be vaccinated," said Aris.
Aris appealed to farmers to report immediately if they found PMK symptoms in their livestock, such as lesions in the mouth, swollen nails, or fever. This step is considered important to maintain overall livestock health and avoid the spread of the outbreak.
"We hope that farmers will not hesitate to report if they find symptoms of PMK. This collaboration is very important to maintain the health of livestock in Cianjur," he concluded.
The quarantine and vaccination efforts intensified by the Cianjur DPKHP are expected to reduce the impact of the PMK outbreak and restore the health of livestock in the region. This step is part of the local government's commitment to protect the livestock sector from the threat of harmful disease.
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